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Live Well, Work Well: Explore the Great Outdoors

Explore the Great Outdoors - Spending even a few moments outside daily can significantly improve your physical health by reducing muscle tension, regulating sleep and improving your work performance. Experiencing the...

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Legal Update: ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025

ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025 - IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-34 includes updated penalty amounts that may apply to reporting entities that fail to comply with the Affordable Care...

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How Employers Can Address Substance Misuse

The National Safety Council (NSC) found that 1 in 12 workers is dealing with an untreated “substance use disorder” (SUD). Even if employers don’t see it, which is more likely with remote and hybrid work arrangements,...

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Maintaining Mental Well-Being During a Quarantine

In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization have recommended that individuals who may have been exposed to the...

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