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Risk Insights: Creating and Effective Distracted Driving Policy

Creating and Effective Distracted Driving Policy

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of vehicle accidents, posing significant risks to both individuals and businesses. An average of nine people are killed daily in crashes that involve distracted driving, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In today’s fast-paced world, where mobile devices and in-vehicle technology are constant distractions, businesses must take proactive steps to mitigate distracted driving accidents. An effective distracted driving policy is essential for protecting employees, reducing liability and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

This article explores the key components of a strong distracted driving policy.

Understand the Reason Behind the Policy

Before implementing a distracted driving policy, employers must first determine the “why” behind it. Understanding the purpose of the policy helps align it with business values, safety goals and legal responsibilities. The primary reason is to protect employees and the public from preventable accidents caused by distractions.

By addressing the root causes of distracted driving, employers can proactively mitigate risks that lead to costly liabilities and disruptions to business operations and promote a culture of responsibility on the road. This not only safeguards employees but also enhances the company’s reputation and bottom line.

Establish the Scope

Employers must determine to whom the policy will apply. The scope of the policy should cover all employees who drive a vehicle for business purposes. This includes not just commercial drivers or business vehicles but also employees who drive personal vehicles for business purposes.

Obtain Leadership Support and Key Stakeholder Feedback

When implementing a distracted driving policy, it’s important for an employer’s leadership team to demonstrate their commitment to the policy. Doing so can help ensure that employees will buy into the policy. What’s more, reviewing the policy prior to rolling it out helps identify practical challenges and areas for improvement. Employers should have safety leaders and their key stakeholders review the policy and provide feedback before applying it companywide.

Define the Types of Distracted Driving

Businesses should review the different types of distracted driving that can take place while operating a vehicle and make sure to include them in their policy. Types of distractions that have been found to be dangerous include the following:

  • Manual distractions are actions that take the driver’s hands off the wheel, such as texting, holding or dialing a phone, eating or drinking, adjusting technology in the vehicle or searching for items within the vehicle.
  • Visual distractions take the driver’s eyes off the road. Reading or sending text messages, looking at the GPS, watching videos or looking at a phone screen, turning to talk to passengers or observing something outside the vehicle are examples of visual distractions.
  • Cognitive distractions are mental distractions that take a driver’s focus away from driving. Phone conversations, daydreaming or zoning out, talking to passengers and drowsy driving are cognitive distractions.
  • Auditory distractions are noises that interfere with driving, such as loud music or podcasts, using speaker mode on the phone, noisy passengers or external sounds like sirens or honking.
  • Physical distractions are activities involving unnecessary movements inside the vehicle. Drivers should adjust their seats and mirrors before starting to drive. Grooming or dressing should also be done before driving, not while the car is in motion.

These distractions should be addressed in the distracted driving policy and communicated to employees so they understand how to prevent distracted driving.

Address Phone Use

A critical distracted driving risk to address in a policy is cellphone use. Cellphone use plays a significant role in motor vehicle accidents, which is why many states have laws against using handheld devices for making phone calls and texting.

Employers should outline their rules around the use of cellphones and other devices. Hands-free cellphone use may be allowed, but it is still a distraction while operating a vehicle. Employers should consider banning cellphone use entirely to prevent distracted driving. If employers allow hands-free cellphone use, they should require employees to keep interactions brief and focused to avoid any cognitive distractions.

To prevent the temptation of using a phone while driving, employers can require their employees to turn their phones on “do not disturb” or “silent” prior to operating a vehicle.

Include Information on Technology

A comprehensive distracted driving policy should incorporate any technology the company uses to prevent unsafe behaviors and ensure compliance. Employers have access to various tools that can minimize distractions and improve road safety, such as telematics systems, cellphone-blocking technology, dash cameras, artificial intelligence-based monitoring and hands-free communication systems.

By including this information on these systems, the employer establishes the expectations and rules around technologies that can help detect or prevent distracted driving.

Require Pretrip Inspections to Minimize Distractions

Employers should establish clear guidelines that outline expectations and promote responsible driving behaviors. One key aspect of the policy should be requiring employees to conduct pre-trip inspections to minimize distractions while driving. Employees should adjust mirrors, seats, climate controls, and GPS settings before driving to ensure their full attention remains on the road.

Require Meal Breaks

The policy should prohibit eating while driving. Employers should allow time for meal breaks and emphasize that employees should pull over if they need to consume food, particularly if it requires unwrapping or excessive handling.

Address Passenger Distractions

When transporting passengers, employees should remain focused on driving and limit nonessential conversations, especially in heavy traffic or unfamiliar areas. The policy should stress a driver’s need to always keep their hands on the wheel and their attention on the road.

Discourage Drowsy Driving

The policy should also address mental alertness and fatigue management. Employees must feel comfortable voicing concerns if they are too tired to drive, and employers should encourage regular breaks on long trips to prevent fatigue-related distractions. A proactive approach to driver well-being can significantly reduce the risk of accidents caused by inattention.

Train Employees and Communicate

When developing a distracted driving policy, its content is crucial, but how employers communicate and enforce it is equally important. Employees must fully understand the policy and its requirements to ensure compliance. Clear, consistent communication reinforces expectations and promotes a culture of safety.

One effective way to achieve this is through employee training. Training sessions should educate employees on the risks of distracted driving, the company’s expectations and the importance of compliance. Real-life case studies can illustrate potential consequences, while interactive discussions and activities can reinforce key points and engage employees in the learning process.

Employers should also encourage open dialogue by allowing employees to ask questions during training. Creating an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing the policy fosters better understanding and cooperation between management and staff.

If technology is being used to address distracted driving, employees should be trained on how it works and what to expect. Employers should clearly communicate the use of monitoring tools such as telematics, dashcams or mobile device restrictions. Additionally, they should explain how collected data will be used to promote safety. Transparency in this process builds trust and encourages compliance.

Enforce the Policy

Employers should establish clear disciplinary actions in the policy. Repercussions and specific penalties for repeated or severe policy violations should be defined. Consistent enforcement across all employees is essential to ensure fairness and prevent bias.

Review the Policy

Distracted driving policies should not sit on the shelf. Employers should regularly review their distracted driving policies and update them as necessary. Policy updates may be necessary to incorporate new best practices or technology that is being utilized by the business.


An effective distracted driving policy requires clear guidelines, proper training and consistent enforcement to ensure employee safety and compliance. By effectively communicating expectations around proper driving behaviors, employers can foster a strong safety culture and reduce distracted driving risks in their operations.

For additional distracted driving resources, contact us today.

This Risk Insights is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. Readers should contact legal counsel or an insurance professional for appropriate advice. © 2025 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.


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